Friday, December 21, 2007
The Red Pony (1973 TV) / The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965) (Jerry Goldsmith) [Bootleg]

And I think almost everything I just said you could've figured out by looking at the album cover, reading the track list, and looking at the post heading.'s a real toss-up as to whether I should've called the blog, 'Inferior Old Rips' or 'States The Obvious'. It goes back and forth from day to day, but I guess I'll keep the name the way it is.
Since it's a bootleg, there are no real track titles (unless the names Jerry came up with just happened to be 'Track' which would seem to be uncharacteristically unimaginative and repetitive on his part).
Well, anyway, if you look at one of the later posts you can probably tell why I decided to post this particular score. Although I guess a score to a nice family movie like this is appropriate for the season (and depending on your mood, I suppose, 'The Agony And The Ecstasy' might also apply).
And, while you're at it, it also might be fun to compare it to Aaron Copland's version of 'The Red Pony' from the 1949 film starring Myrna Loy & Robert Mitchum. I'm sure if you hunt around, it's probably been posted in multiple places by now. A good bet, if it's still available, is to check out Scoredaddy's marvelous Copland compilation. (There's another wonderful blog and blogger I haven't talked about yet on this blog. Well, I'm so behind on everything else, why should that be any different?)
And I just realized another good reason to post this was that it was once requested way back when by Stevo (though I'm guessing he doesn't come here anymore), but as you can tell, a request never fully dies out here. It just sleeps once in a while. (It's either that or the curse of a long memory, I'm not sure which).
Well, it was a good thing I was working on that other post, otherwise it would've never occurred to me to post this. I'd completely forgotten I had this! Well, I'm sure someone else has posted this by now, but I'm pretty sure redundant music is still good music.
......oh, and enjoy your Christmas pony!
Track List:
01 - The Red Pony (1973 TV) - Track 01
02 - The Red Pony (1973 TV) - Track 02
03 - The Red Pony (1973 TV) - Track 03
04 - The Red Pony (1973 TV) - Track 04
05 - The Red Pony (1973 TV) - Track 05
06 - The Red Pony (1973 TV) - Track 06
07 - The Red Pony (1973 TV) - Track 07
08 - The Red Pony (1973 TV) - Track 08
09 - The Red Pony (1973 TV) - Track 09
10 - The Red Pony (1973 TV) - Track 10
11 - The Red Pony (1973 TV) - Track 11
12 - The Red Pony (1973 TV) - Track 12
13 - The Red Pony (1973 TV) - Track 13
14 - The Red Pony (1973 TV) - Track 14
15 - The Red Pony (1973 TV) - Track 15
16 - The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965) - Prologue - Track 16
pw = youdont
The Red Pony (1973 TV) / The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965) (Jerry Goldsmith) - Part 1 (Rapidshare) - 90 MB
The Red Pony (1973 TV) / The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965) (Jerry Goldsmith) - Part 2 (Rapidshare) - 43 MB
The Red Pony (1973 TV) / The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965) (Jerry Goldsmith) (Megaupload)
around 133 MB
@ 320 Kbps
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So is this the movie, or the soundtrack to the movie? I'm desperate to find the actual MOVIE of the 1973 Red Pony. Please email me and let me know if you have the movie or know where I can get it or even download it. Thanks. ~Lesley
Thanks for the really interesting article... I have been saved this artile in my private diary.
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